Muzej Mimara otvoren je 17. srpnja 1987. na Rooseveltovu trgu 5 u Zagrebu, u za potrebe muzeja adaptiranom središnjem, istočnom krilu tzv. Školskog foruma sagrađenog 1895. Fundus muzeja čini zbirka umjetnina koju je gospodin Ante Topić Mimara (Korušce, 7. travnja 1898. – Zagreb, 30. siječnja 1987.) kolekcionar, slikar i restaurator darovao hrvatskom narodu Ugovorom iz 1973. te proširio dodatkom donaciji 1986. Kad govorim o Muzeju Mimara uvijek sam iznova potaknuta i pozvana da istaknem kako su upravo u povijesti ove zgrade i njezina značenja, sažete životne vizije dvaju velikana naše povijesti, sljubljene u poslanjima utkanima u temelje razvoja domovine. Školski forum nastao je, naime, na poticaj Ise Kršnjavoga, predstojnika Odjela za bogoštovlje i nastavu Zemaljske vlade u razdoblju od 1981. do 1986. Upravo je Kršnjavomu duhovno blagostanje naroda bilo na prvom mjestu te je u tom razdoblju – kako je zapisano – sagradio, dogradio ili pregradio 81 nastavni objekt. Svjestan značaja obrazovanja, ali i cjelokupne širine ljudske potrebe za znanjem, kulturom, umjetnosti – pokrenuo je i brižno i odlučno pratio realizaciju projekta već od samog natječaja koji je poslan najuglednijim arhitektima onoga vremena. Prvu nagradu dobili su njemački arhitekti Ludwig i Hulssner, a car Franjo Josip posjetio je gradilište i svečano otvorio Školski forum 15. listopada 1895. dok je sama realka završena 1. lipnja 1986.1 U zgradi je Kršnjavi predvidio i muzej u kojemu su bili izloženi gipsani odljevi antičkih skulptura – smještene u auli gimnazije, skulpture su proročki gledale u budućnost.

Donator Ante Topić Mimara nam je, vođen istovjetnom širinom spoznaje o značenju naobrazbe i kulture, poklonio punoću svojega iznimnog života određenoga velikim željama, upornošću, naporima, uspjesima. Rođen u Korušcima, malom mjestu krševite dalmatinske Zagore, 7. travnja 1898., upio je umjetnost u bit svoje osobnosti prigrlivši je kao jasnu, opojnu vodilju na svim stazama svojega dugog životnog puta. Nošen željom za omogućavanjem svima „dodira“ s uzletima ljudske kreativnosti, u stvaranju muzeja vidio je ostvarenje svog životnog cilja. Donator je smatrao kako će jasna prezentacija muzejskog fundusa na karti svjetske kulturne baštine stručno-strukovnoj sekciji, ali i najširim krugovima zainteresiranih osoba svih dobi i zanimanja, omogućiti istinsku percepciju značenja bogatstva baštine. Naglašavao je i isticao želju i htijenje da Muzej puninom fundusa i svoje djelatnosti privuče i oplemeni nove naraštaje mladih, vodeći ih u sigurnu, ljepotom oplemenjenu budućnost. Autori adaptacije istočnog krila Školskog foruma bili su eminentni arhitekti Mihajlo Kranjc, Ivo Piteša, Matija Salaj i Berislav Šerbetić, a sam je donator iznio svoje želje i ideje povezane s rasporedom djela iz fundusa te se složio s predloženom idejom stalnog postava.

Pretvorivši se od prvog dana u nezaobilazno središte kulture i edukacije, Muzej Mimara bio je mjesto održavanja brojnih izložbi iz fundusa, izložbi najšireg spektra svjetske kulturne baštine i suvremene umjetnosti; objavljivane su znanstvene studije i katalozi u kojima su obrađena djela pojedinih zbirki iz fundusa; poticana je međumuzejska suradnja; održani su brojni znanstveni skupovi, promovirane monografije i izdanja posvećena velikanima umjetnosti; koncerti klasične glazbe oplemenili su zvukovljem prostore ovog vrelišta kulture. Ukratko, muzej je u cijelosti ispunio zamisao i plemenitu želju donatora da bude trajnim izvorom spoznaja o ljepoti i veličini ljudskog stvaralaštva.

17. srpnja 2017. Muzej Mimara obilježio je 30. godišnjicu djelovanja izložbom i reprezentativnim katalogom u kojemu su zabilježeni svi segmenti njegove prebogate povijesti i djelatnosti, te je potom nastavio s predanošću stvarati programe i projekte za buduće godine, nastavljajući već jasno utisnutim putem slojnosti kulturnih sadržaja. No, kao što to u životu često biva, zbilja se okrutno narugala brojnim planovima. Zemljotres u Zagrebu i okolici 22. ožujka, u Petrinji, Sisku, Glini i okolnim mjestima 29. prosinca, učinili su 2020. godinu teškom i bolnom, zaprijetivši izravno već neizvjesnošću pandemije koronavirusa opterećenim i grubo ranjenim životima i sudbinama. Muzej je teško oštećen – stradalo je krovište Atrija i cijele zgrade s posebice teškim oštećenjima velike, reprezentativne dvora[1]ne na II. katu – neizvjesnost je ispunila svakidašnjicu. Oštećena su i neka od izloženih djela – riječju, u dubokoj strepnji zatvorena su za javnost vrata Muzeja Mimara. No, mjesecima neizvjesnosti i isčekivanja rješenja usprkos, djelatnici su s radom nastavili u kontinuitetu – kolege su obrađivale i obrađuju zbirku i publiciraju radove; radilo se kontinuirano na zaštiti i pohrani fundusa; intenzivirali smo u novoj situaciji našu prezentaciju na mrežnoj stranici i facebooku, pokrenut je blog, itd. Priredili smo brojne značajne izložbe (dakako, u virtualnom obliku) kako djela iz fundusa, tako i plodove nastavljene suradnje sa suvremenim umjetnicima i srodnim institucijama.

Osigurana su sredstva za konstrukcijsku obnovu muzeja i intenzivno se radilo na pripremi širokog spektra potrebne dokumentacije, istraživanja, dozvola, itd. Podržani dobro postavljenim stručnim istraživačkim temeljima i projektom sigurni smo u uspjeh njegove obnove. Budući da nakon konstrukcijske obnove, logično i neizostavno slijedi cjelovita obnova, uvjereni smo da ćemo Muzej Mimara s njegovim stalnim postavom i cjelokupnom dobro znanom prebogatom djelatnošću opet otvoriti krajem 2023. Bit će to nastavak one uzlazne, kreativne, slojevite djelatnosti kojom je ovaj muzej zacrtao svoj put nezaobilazne prisutnosti na kulturnoj sceni Zagreba i Hrvatske. Prisjetimo se na 35. godišnjicu otvaranja muzeja gustog prepleta događanja u prošlosti i punine djelatnosti Muzeja Mimara, rastvorimo knjige uspomena, sagledajmo teške trenutke ranjenog muzeja 2020. ali i potvrdimo uvijek prisutnu spoznaju da nam je činiti samo jedno – svakodnevno nastaviti promicati puninu vizije donatora Ante Topića Mimare.



The Mimara Museum was opened on July 17, 1987 at Rooseveltov trg 5, in Zagreb, in the central, eastern wing ofthe so-called School Forum built in 1895. The museum’s holdings consist of a collection of works of art donated by Mr. Ante Topić Mimara (Korušce, 7 April 1898 – Zagreb, 30 January 1987), collector, painter and restorer, to the Croatian people by the 1973 Deed of Gift, expanded with an additional donation in 1986. Every opportunity I get to reflect on the Museum I feel compelled and invited, over and over again, to point out that in the history of this building, the life visions of two great historical figures are paired, and woven into the foundations of our homeland development. The School Forum was built at the instigation of Isa Kršnjavi, head of the Department of Religious Affairs and Education in Croatia from 1981 to 1986. To Kršnjavi the spiritual well-being of the people came first, and in that period, he built, extended or rebuilt 81 teaching facilities. Aware of the importance of education and the overall breadth of human thirst for knowledge, culture and art, he initiated and carefully and decisively monitored the implementation of the project, starting from the competition, which was sent to the most distinguished architects of the time. The first prize went to German architects Ludwig and Hulssner, and Emperor Francis Joseph visited the construction site and inaugurated the School Forum on October 15, 1895, while the high school itself was completed on June 1, 1986. In the building, Kršnjavi also planned a museum in which plaster castings of ancient sculptures were exhibited – located in the gymnasium hall, the sculptures looked prophetically into the future.

Donor Ante Topić Mimara was guided with the awareness of the importance of education and culture, gifting us with the fullness of his exceptional life determined by great desires, perseverance, effort and success. Born in Korušce, a small village in the karst Dalmatian hinterland, on April 7, 1898, he absorbed art into the essence of his personality, embracing it as a clear, intoxicating guide on all the paths of his long life. Driven by the desire to allow everyone to be “touched” with human creativity, in the establishment of the museum he saw the realization of his life’s goal. The donor believed that placing the museum collection on the map of world cultural heritage will provide the professional community, but also the widest circles of stakeholders of all ages and professions a true perception of the wealth of heritage. He emphasized the desire and aspiration of the Museum to attract and enrich new
generations with the fullness of its holdings and activities, and to lead them to a secure future filled with
beauty. The authors of the adaptation of the east wing of the School Forum were eminent architects Mihajlo Kranjc, Ivo Piteša, Matija Salaj and Berislav Šerbetić, and the donor himself expressed his wishes and ideas regarding the arrangement of works from the holdings and agreed with the proposed idea of a permanent exhibition.

Transforming from the first day into a cultural and educational centre, the Mimara Museum has been the venue for numerous exhibitions from the holdings, exhibitions of the widest range of world cultural heritage and contemporary art. Scientific studies and catalogues were published in which works of individual collections from the holdings were processed; inter-museum cooperation was encouraged; numerous scientific conferences were held, monographs and publications dedicated to the greats of art were promoted; concerts of classical music enriched the spaces of this cultural boiling point. In short, the museum has fulfilled the idea and noble desire of donors for it to be the lasting source of knowledge about the beauty and greatness of human creativity.

On July 17, 2017, the Mimara Museum marked its 30th anniversary with an exhibition and a luxurious catalogue recording all segments of its rich history and activities, and then continued with dedication to create programs and projects for future years thus tracing the clear imprint of its already multi-layered cultural content. But, as is often the case in life, fate cruelly mocked our many plans. The earthquake in Zagreb and its surroundings on March 22, and in Petrinja, Sisak, Glina and surrounding places on December 29, made 2020 difficult and painful, directly threatening lives and destinies already burdened and wounded by the uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic. The museum was severely damaged – the roof of the Atrium and the entire building was damaged, particularly the large, representative hall
on the 2nd floor. Suddenly, everyday life was filled with uncertainty. Some of the exhibited works were also damaged – in other words, amidst alarm and concern, the doors of the Mimara Museum were closed to the public. But, after months of uncertainty and anticipation of a solution, the employees continued to work – colleagues have been processing the collection and publishing the works; work was done continuously on the protection and storage of the holdings; we intensified our presence on the website and Facebook, launched a blog, etc. We have organized a number of significant exhibitions (of
course, in virtual form), both works from the holdings and the fruits of our continued collaboration with contemporary artists and related institution.

Funds for the renovation of the museum were provided and intensive work has been carried out on the preparation of a wide range of necessary documentation, research, permits, etc. Supported by well-established professional research foundations and project, we are confident in the success of the restoration. Since the structural renovation is logically and inevitably followed by a complete renovation, we are convinced that the Mimara Museum with its permanent exhibition and its wellknown rich activity will reopen in late 2023. It will be a continuation of that ascending, creative activity with which this museum has charted its path and presence on the cultural scene of Zagreb and Croatia.

On the 35th anniversary of the opening of the museum let us recall its eventful past and lively activity, let us open our albums of memories and witness the difficult moments of the wounding of the museum in 2020, but let us also confirm the ever-present realization that we have only one thing to do – continue to promote the full vision of our donor Ante Topić Mimara.